Guide to add property

Register and become a member of the site.

Click on the login icon, and select Register.
We suggest that the user name is of less than 8 characters and is meaningful since it will show on your dedicated contact form, e.g. FredTC. Complete the details and click on Register.
If the error ‘ReCaptcha failed’ is displayed, it is most probably that the passwords do not match! So delete them both and re-enter. When you have registered correctly you can then Login.


You will be prompted to either Create a listing or to Buy a package. Follow the links to view the advertising packages
After choosing your package you will be directed to pay for the package. This is currently possible by Paypal or by a direct bank to bank transfer. You do not need to have a Paypal account to use the Paypal option. You can use most debit or credit cards.

After you have paid there will be a short delay until the payment is confirmed by us. Please do not enter any information until your payment is confirmed since it will not be saved.
After your Payment is confirmed you will be able to login and then from the dashboard you can select ‘Create a Listing’

Entering your property details:

Title ( required )
Add a Title for your property. Our format is “Country, short title, – ‘Property reference’ “
We suggest the title should be less than 40 characters and be in lower case. If you don’t know the property reference, please leave it blank and it will be added when the property is confirmed.
Title example – Spain, self sufficient cortijo, Orgiva – SPxxxx

Add the full description of your property here. Make it look appealing with paragraph blocks and headings.
Including the answers to these questions is also useful:
( copy and paste the following if you wish:)
House Construction: xxxx
Roof Construction: xxxx
House-insulation: xxxx
Roof-insulation: xxxx
Window-construction: xxxx
Window-glazing:Double or single glazed
Heating-house: xxxx
Heating-water: xxxx
Cooking method: xxxx
Electricity: xxxx
Water: xxxx
Food-production: xxxx
Income possibilities: xxxx.
Owners opinion on sustainable features: xxxx.

Type ( required )
Select the type of your property. You can chose multiple options if appropriate. Current types are: coastal property, commercial, land only, rural property, town property.

Status ( required )
Select the status of your property. You can chose multiple options if appropriate. Current options are: for rent, for sale, rent to buy, sold.

This is an extra box added to the listing and current options are Sold, Sold subject to contract, Special offer, Under offer.  If you require another option let us know and we will create it for you. 

Price ( required )
Sale or Rent price: enter the property price in £ sterling without any commas or currency sign. e.g if the property price is £250,000 it should be entered as 250000

After the price: you can add here a value in another currency. e.g. ( 275k euros) or the contract term if a rental e.g. monthly.

Price prefix: you can add e.g start from which will show before the price in the listings.

Add your photos. Choosing ‘Select and upload’ will allow you to navigate to a folder and select your photos.
We allow a maximum of 50 photos, with a maximum size of 2Mb each, however we suggest that the pictures be resized to be 1440px x 900px. 
You can select the featured image by clicking on the small ☆ symbol next to the photo.
You can rearrange the order by a drag and drop method.

If you wish you can add a link to a Youtube or Vimeo video about your property. .swf and .mov file are also supported. Leave blank if not required.

Enter the details about your property. Hopefully this is self explanatory.

Additional details
You can highlight any special features not shown elsewhere. e.g title -Special interest Value – This property has an established vineyard creating a valuable income.

Select the features that apply to your property. If there is something that you feel is missing please contact us and we’ll consider adding it.

Address ( required ) enter the town and country here. If the map software finds it please select the appropriate one from the displayed list. Please note that accents etc on characters within names are significant.

A small marker will be shown on the maps within the website. You can move the marker to a more accurate position if you wish, however for your security we suggest that you do not put an exact position and simply leave the marker at the nearest town or village.

360° Virtual Tour
You can add a virtual tour of your property if you wish. If you have created a Youtube video then you can insert the embed iframe code here.

Property Documents
You can attach PDF files, Map images OR other documents. We allow a maximum of 3 documents each of a max size of 3Mb.

GDPR Agreement ( required)
You need to check the box to say that you accept the GDPR agreement of If this is not checked then your information will not be saved.

Then SUBMIT PROPERTY. You should receive a message saying ‘Submitted successfully’ . Your property information will be saved but will not become live until it has been reviewed. You will receive an email when it has been accepted and published.

Please note that all properties are manually checked and if not found to meet the criteria of this website, are rejected.

Thereafter any enquiries will be emailed directly to you and you will be able to modify your property details whenever you wish, although they will again be reviewed before becoming live.

If You Have Any Further Questions Please Contact Us.

We Look Forward To Helping You To Sell Your Sustainable Property.

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